Cardio is still one of the most popular forms of training but with everyone’s goals and fitness levels being slightly different, it’s important to understand the fitness jargon that can help you get the most out of your session. If you’re spending time doing cardio, you’re probably wondering what the best way to reach your goal is. Whether you want to run faster, slim down or improve your health, there will be a cardio structure that works well for you. Let’s have a look at two popular types of cardio, HIIT and LISS.


Standing for Low Intensity Steady State, LISS is a cardio method that involves training with a low endurance training for a long period of time. For example, jogging on treadmills, walking, swimming and cycling at a low to mid-level intensity. This type of training used the aerobic system that used oxygenated blood to transfer energy to the working muscles. LISS is great for increasing energy levels and overall wellbeing. For fat loss, low intensity cardio generally means individuals will burn more calories during a session, alongside a calorie controlled diet, fat loss will occur. However, due to the principle of adaptation, the body quickly adapts to become more efficient, so limiting yourself to the same LISS training can mean that your body doesn’t respond the same.


HIIT training stands for High Intensity Interval Training and consists of short bursts of activity followed by a short rest. High intensity interval training can come in lots of different forms using a different exercise equipment but traditionally only requires individuals to work for a shorter total time. During HIIT training, the body uses the anaerobic system that primarily relies on stored glycogen in the body’s muscles. This type of training pushes the body so that individuals will experience a positive after effect as it takes the body several hours to return back to its comfortable state, burning extra calories in the meantime. So while HIIT might not burn as many calories within the session as they’re generally much shorter sessions, it will cause the body to burn more throughout the day or even while you’re sleeping.  However, this type of training also carries a risk for injury as many exercises involved are fast, high impact moves, therefore, could be harmful to those with previous injuries.

Although both HITT and LISS have different effects on the body, both are great forms of exercises. For efficient fitness training, incorporating both types of cardio is best for overall fitness and endurance however it is down to the individual to decide which type of training is more enjoyable and more suited to their goals.