In a world crammed with every kind of gadget imaginable to tone, shape, build muscle and lose weight Bodyblade® is unique. The Bodyblade designed by Californian Physical Therapist and fitness expert Bruce Hymanson uses low level vibration and inertia to create resistance and incredible muscle tone and core strength. The beauty of the Bodyblade is in the way it moves direction at 4.5 cycles per second, which translates to your body reacting 270 times per minute to resist the forces of the blades movement. The Bodyblade hits deep into the muscles. The greater you push and pull on the blade using your own strength, the greater the inertia and the greater the resistance that you create. This means your body becomes the machine and the Bodyblade itself becomes your training partner. The same blade in the hands of two different people will produce a workout perfectly matched to the individual’s size, strength and muscle endurance.

Its no wonder that the  Bodyblade is the 1# seller on the UKs best selling TV shopping channel selling over 9000 units in 15 minutes! GymkitUK are the UKs official and exclusive Distributor for the Bodybade. GymkitUK who have been selling commercial fitness equipment including top brands like Life Fitness, Technogym and Precor have developed a reputation for being experts in the field of Gym equipment. The company also distributes Peak Pilates, one of the worlds most respected Pilates equipment brands, and most recently Ugi Balls and Tiguar – a range of commercial studio equipment such as Aerobic Steps, Aerobic Studio mats, and resistance tubes,, Medicine Balls and Kettlebells.

Please click here to view our range of BodyBlade products