As every keep-fit enthusiast knows, cycling is a terrific way of working out when away from the home or the gym. Cyclists themselves can make up a fairly diverse group - everyone from the casual commuter to the seasoned mountain biker can readily enjoy the wide benefits of pedal power. As an aerobic exercise with a tremendous range of health benefits, cycling is an affordable and versatile means of keeping fit and active - wherever you happen to be.

When combined with a holiday, cycling can be the perfect means to stay fit while enjoying a fantastic travel destination. Cycling tours and activity camps have grown terrifically in popularity in recent years and through a fun course of healthy, active and organised exercise, travellers can readily reap the rewards.

Of all the many worldwide cycling routes and tours available for the holiday-maker to participate in, destinations in the mountains of the French Pyrenees enjoy a marvellous reputation. This French mountain range never fails to impress visitors with its dramatic setting, ambience, and varied features and terrain. Situated between the Atlantic and Mediterranean, holiday makers can experience dense and verdant forests, elevated mountain passes and tranquil valleys and timeless villages. The best news is that cycling is undoubtedly the best way to explore this region, allowing the versatility of cycling and the health benefits that it can encourage their optimum potential to run free.

The variety of well organised and versatile approaches to cycling in the beautiful region of the French Pyrenees should be of great interest to all cyclists and health conscious holiday-makers. Less experienced bikers can make use of the knowledge and skilled practise of fully qualified and well-versed fitness instructors at many of the cycling camps dotted along the area. These experts can recommend specific activities at the correct levels of difficulty and intensity to strengthen every area of the body. The aerobic and cardiovascular benefits of cycling are prodigious, and instructors can be on hand to unlock the fitness potential of all participants.

For more experienced cyclists, the area can also be enjoyed away from organised tour groups or activity centres. The seasoned mountain-biker can simply hire a bicycle and enjoy the steep climbs and off-road activity. They will be fully able to experience the intense feeling of freedom that cycling on long stretches of the Pyrenees can provide. After all, for a very personal and individual version of the Tour de France, this region offers it all. The solitude and beautiful tranquillity that cycling up in the heights can offer is likely to create a lasting impression that enthusiasts will cherish and will wish to repeat.

In order to enjoy a great travel experience while keeping fit at the same time, a cycling holiday in the Pyrenees could well be the option for you. Cycling's many positive aspects are even more obvious while on an adventurous trip of a lifetime. When that holiday happens to be in the French Pyrenees, a healthy memorable adventure is assured!

In order to help train for your next cycling adventure, check out our range of exercise bikes!

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