If you’ve never used a strength training machine, but are intrigued as to how it might benefit your workout, you’ve come to the right place. We’re detailing everything you need to know about these fantastic machines and how they work.

This specialist gym equipment can exercise every part of your body, from your core to your upper and lower body. Knowing which machine to invest in is crucial if you want to work on a specific part of your body.

Top 5 Strength Training Machines Explained

To get a feel for how to use the different types of strength training machines, we’ve listed some of the common models below. While some of the machines can look a little intimidating to new users, all these models come with instructions and exercise diagrams to get you started in no time. Alternatively you could enlist the help of a gym coach to help show you the ropes.

1. Lateral Flat Chest Press

Designed as a bench press movement, the lateral flat chest press can is used to lift weights with your arms while you lie down on a padded bench. This model is a great way to work on your pectoral muscles between your chest and upper arms.

 Lateral Flat Chest Press

2. Preacher Curl Bench

The preacher curl bench is the perfect strength training machine to build muscle and strength in your biceps from a seated position. This is essentially a weight lifting exercise with a barbell.

Preacher Curl Bench

3. Lateral Leg Extension

The lateral leg extension machine allows you to sit while you lift weights using your shins. They are designed to extend your legs and with the Exigo model you can exercise both your legs simultaneously or one at a time.

 Lateral Leg Extension

4. High Low Pulley

The high low pulley allows you to practice drills with your legs and arms while standing. Simply strap the loop around your ankle or hand and while you move the resistance of the cable will gradually build-up your muscle strength. There are a wealth of exercises you can do with the high low pulley, but this is definitely one that focuses on the arm and leg muscles and mobility.

 High Low Pulley

5. Plate-Loaded Pullover

The plate-loaded pullover allows you to exercise the shoulders, laterals, pectorals and triceps with a smooth pulling motion. Not only does it help build strength in your arms and upper body, it can also be used to relieve tension. This machine comes with an angled seat which places you in the perfect position for optimum performance and comfort.

 Plate-Loaded Pullover


Weight lifting based exercises, such as the lateral leg extension are a good option for beginners as the restricted range of movement allows you to learn good form and you can begin with a light weight until you feel comfortable.

When buying through Gymkit online you can conveniently filter your search to find machines that suit specific exercises, including abdominal crunches, leg extensions and tricep presses so you can find the perfect strength training machine for your workout.

We are official sellers of strength training machines by Exigo, a leading British manufacturer of gym equipment. Shop new and refurbished Strength Training Machines for your professional or home gym today.